4th Weigh In and Day 29

A big victory for me this week was waiting to step on the scale until today. It was hard to wait after last week’s weight loss disappointment. I worked to understand the reasons behind it, built myself up for staying diligent with my exercise and diet, and kept reminding myself of all of the reasons I am on this health journey besides weight loss. So,  in the end, I was ok with last week.

I promised myself that I would only step on the scale once a week, and I am holding to that. Again, I think it helps me see the big picture and not drive myself crazy. This morning, I stepped on the scale and saw that I had lost...

5 POUNDS!!! 

I now weigh 177 lbs. I’ll take it.

About the same in measurements...39 1/2 inch waist, 12 inch arm, but same 25 inch thigh...last week was waist 40, thigh 25, arm 12, two weeks ago waist 40.5, thigh 25, arm 12.25, 3  weeks ago...waist 42 inches, thigh 25 inches, arm 14 inches.

Good run today...stretching, 5 minute warm up, 35 minute building run with Coach Bennett, 5 minute cool down, core.

More positives today: lunch with my friend, Jean, a good talk with my friend, Tina, and a yummy leftover bison burger for dinner. Good day!!
